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Martyrology of the clergy — Poland
XX century (1914 – 1989)
personal data
Joseph Christian (pl. Józef Chrystian)
Evangelical Reformed Church in Poland PRmore on
[access: 2023.03.24]
academic distinctions
Law MA
date and place
of death
VL Treblinkaextermination camp
today: Treblinka, Małkinia Górna gm., Ostrów Mazowiecka pov., Masovia voiv., Poland
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[access: 2020.07.31]
alt. dates and places
of death
31.12.1946 (formal „court-stipulated” date)
Białystoktoday: Białystok city pov., Podlaskie voiv., Poland
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[access: 2020.12.11]
KL Auschwitzconcentration camp
today: Oświęcim, Oświęcim gm., Oświęcim pov., Lesser Poland voiv., Poland
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[access: 2022.01.09]
details of death
During World War I resided in Polazna, c. 40 km from Perm in the Perm Krai.
After the end of the Polish–Russian war of 1919‐1921, settled in Poland, in Rivne.
There began his missionary work.
Attacked several times by Jews, suffered insults and stones casted.
After German and Russian invasion of Poland in 09.1939 and start of the World War II, after German attack in 06.1941 of their erstwhile ally, Russians, and start of German occupation, arrested by the Germans on 15.02.1943.
According to some assumptions, was in hiding, but got detected.
As a Jew locked up in Białystok ghetto.
Fate thereafter unknown.
Prob. perished during failed uprising in Białystok ghetto on 15‐16.08.1943 or was transported by the Germans to Treblinka death camp as a result of Białystok ghetto liquidation on subsequent days of 16‐20.08.1943 and there murdered in a gas chamber.
Prob. only one member of the „Barbican Mission” in Białystok — his Orthodox wife, Nina — survived the Holocaust.
cause of death
sites and events
VL TreblinkaClick to display the description, KL AuschwitzClick to display the description, Ribbentrop‐MolotovClick to display the description
date and place
of birth
Minsktoday: Minsk city reg., Belarus
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[access: 2020.07.31]
alt. dates and places
of birth
🞲 ?, ? — 🕆 ?, ?
🞲 ?, ? — 🕆 ?, ?
positions held
1924 – 1943
minister — Białystoktoday: Białystok city pov., Podlaskie voiv., Poland
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[access: 2020.12.11] ⋄ PR parish (of Anglican Rite, i.e. „Barbican Mission”) — co‐founder of the congregation and mission among the Jews; also: vice–president of the Society for the Care of Converted Israelites „Samaritan” (since 1935), co‐founder of a hospital and orphanage for poor Jewish children; editor, publisher and publicist of the „Dos Wort” (Eng. „The Word”, from 03.1924, in Polish and Yiddish) monthly and the „Two Worlds” (from 04.1937) quarterly
deacon — Vilniustoday: Vilnius city dist., Vilnius Cou., Lithuania
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[access: 2022.01.06] — diaconate cheirotonia, i.e. ordination
student — Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
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[access: 2020.07.31] ⋄ law, University — postgraduate specialised studies crowned with Master's degree in Law
married — two children
sites and events
VL Treblinka: SS‐Sonderkommando Treblinka, Germ. Vernichtungslager (Eng. extermination camp) VL, of Polish Jews. Operational from 07.1942 till 11.1943. Largest extermination camp in German‐run General Governorate. Main site of mass genocide of Jewish population from Warsaw ghetto and other ghettoes in German occupied Poland. Among the victims were Jews from Austria, Czechia, Greece, Yugoslavia, Germany and Slovakia, and Romani people. Victims were murdered in stationary gas chambers equipped as public showers. Corpses were burnt and cremated. The number of murdered is estimated at 700,000‐900,000. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2020.07.31])
KL Auschwitz: German Germ. Konzentrationslager (Eng. concentration camp) KL and Germ. Vernichtungslager (Eng. extermination camp) VL Auschwitz was set up by Germans around 27.01.1940 n. Oświęcim, on the German territory (initially in Germ. Provinz Schlesien — Silesia Province; and from 1941 Germ. Provinz Oberschlesien — Upper Silesia Province). Initially mainly Poles were interned. From 1942 it became the centre for holocaust of European Jews. Part of the KL Auschwitz concentration camps’ complex was Germ. Vernichtungslager (Eng. extermination camp) VL Auschwitz II Birkenau, located not far away from the main camp. There Germans murder possibly in excess of million people, mainly Jews, in gas chambers. Altogether In excess of 400 priests and religious went through the KL Auschwitz, approx. 40% of which were murdered (mainly Poles). (more on: to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2012.11.23], www.meczennicy.pelplin.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.07.06])
Ribbentrop‐Molotov: Genocidal Russian‐German alliance pact between Russian leader Joseph Stalin and German leader Adolf Hitler signed on 23.08.1939 in Moscow by respective foreign ministers, Mr. Vyacheslav Molotov for Russia and Joachim von Ribbentrop for Germany. The pact sanctioned and was the direct cause of joint Russian and German invasion of Poland and the outbreak of the World War II in 09.1939. In a political sense, the pact was an attempt to restore the status quo ante before 1914, with one exception, namely the „commercial” exchange of the so‐called „Kingdom of Poland”, which in 1914 was part of the Russian Empire, fore Eastern Galicia (today's western Ukraine), in 1914 belonging to the Austro‐Hungarian Empire. Galicia, including Lviv, was to be taken over by the Russians, the „Kingdom of Poland” — under the name of the General Governorate — Germany. The resultant „war was one of the greatest calamities and dramas of humanity in history, for two atheistic and anti‐Christian ideologies — national and international socialism — rejected God and His fifth Decalogue commandment: Thou shall not kill!” (Abp Stanislav Gądecki, 01.09.2019). The decisions taken — backed up by the betrayal of the formal allies of Poland, France and Germany, which on 12.09.1939, at a joint conference in Abbeville, decided not to provide aid to attacked Poland and not to take military action against Germany (a clear breach of treaty obligations with Poland) — were on 28.09.1939 slightly altered and made more precise when a treaty on „German‐Russian boundaries and friendship” was agreed by the same murderous signatories. One of its findings was establishment of spheres of influence in Central and Eastern Europe and in consequence IV partition of Poland. In one of its secret annexes agreed, that: „the Signatories will not tolerate on its respective territories any Polish propaganda that affects the territory of the other Side. On their respective territories they will suppress all such propaganda and inform each other of the measures taken to accomplish it”. The agreements resulted in a series of meeting between two genocidal organization representing both sides — German Gestapo and Russian NKVD when coordination of efforts to exterminate Polish intelligentsia and Polish leading classes (in Germany called «Intelligenzaktion», in Russia took the form of Katyń massacres) where discussed. Resulted in deaths of hundreds of thousands of Polish intelligentsia, including thousands of priests presented here, and tens of millions of ordinary people,. The results of this Russian‐German pact lasted till 1989 and are still in evidence even today. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2015.09.30])
www.jewishbialystok.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2023.03.24], to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2018.05.06]
„Biographical dictionary of Evangelical Reformed clergy. Lithuanian Unity and Vilnius Unity 1815‐1939”, Eva Cherner, Warsaw 2017
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